The portfolio itself was done in the standard amount of time, roughly 3 weeks, because why plan ahead and give yourself a ton of time?!? Actually, it's because I just thought I would give it a shot one last time... I had tried in June and thought maybe they would remember me and see some improvements, which I fully believe it shows, my book has come far. The layout was similar but I worked on my hierarchy, order of projects (I had about 4 more editorial projects than the 1st time around), and uniqueness of presentation. Overall, my idea kept kept coming back to having a game board that included elements from all my projects. The final game board turned into my route/path to Chronicle... too bad that didn't actually work out. (The dice didn't roll in my favor?) The board game was the fun part and won't really get used ever again (I am kinda done with that idea), but the process book and portfolio itself could be reused with some tweaks and changes. The process book is standard, but included more detailed descriptions about the projects, showing sketches, rounds, compared to the final piece. The portfolio style was something I had dreamed up for my first portfolio, but I could never find large enough paper, as silly as that sounds. The format however worked out perfectly for the "required 8.5x11 page size" - although I guess I cheated a little having fold out pages that were bigger than that. It's all about loop holes though, or so I figured. And maybe, there I was wrong.
Each project gives the title, one line description, and category on the left page. On the right side is a environmental photo of the project (this also may have been my down fall), that page then folds out to show details and spreads of the projects in many cases. There are a few little details that I created; for instance the tab system that is on the left side - in my signature green, green ribbon to make it easier to remove the books, the compartments in the bottom of the box that were designed specifically for the "Feeling Lucky" cards, game pieces and process book... I could go on and on, but really the pictures explain it all fairly well. If you have any interest of what projects I included or anything about creating this wondrous blue book please let me know - I am more than happy to share.
The Box: Included - Portfolio Book, Project List (required element, including short descriptions, completion dates, materials), Game Board, "Feeling Lucky" Cards: chance cards, Game Pieces + 1 Die, and Process Book
Things learned... which I should have known by now. You can never spell check enough (command + i : inDesign). Never rely on your own eyes, employ an editor or if you can't, call your Mom, like me! (Just don't do it after the fact!) So my down fall, I will never know, however being that Chronicle is a publisher, pretty sure my 3 spelling errors didn't help me one little bit (palm + forehead or as Homer would say... "Doh!")
All and all, it didn't matter in the long run. I went out on a limb and tried for the fellowship, didn't get it of course, but then was given the fabulous opportunity that I have now! I really love my new job (see my LinkedIn) and already have enjoyed learning new design tricks, oh and pixal/photoshop land isn't so scary after all.
Please excuse any poor grammar - My editor was busy tonight! HAHA.

this looks fantastic. i love the fold-out pages. it's funny because i'm just finishing production on a board game too. but, mine is for special problems with katie... in fact my fingers are killing me from xacto blading.
Does this fit their 8.5x11 requirement? Just wondering.
Nicole -
The page size before they fold out is 8.5x11 letter size. However, when folded out the page comes in slightly under 15.5inches. I am not sure if they felt that was breaking the rules, but I was just trying to be creative and standout in what I felt was the rules.
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