Thursday, July 24, 2008

big news! But not really.

so currently I am doing something a little strange, but cool at the same time! I'm posting this from my snazzy new iPhone! Eekkk soo fun. (mom forgive me now for typos, I'll go back and fix them) so it was a good day yesterday a new toy which is helping me communicate better with everything going on here at i've gone graphic. I never thought they were something you really really needed, but I've now had it like 24 hours and would be extremely sad if I it was taken from me. Haha.

anyways enough about the dumb phone, I know.
So yesterday night I saw john mayor live at the midstate fair! so amazing. I'll try and post a video, I was very impressed with my little digital camera. after that long day of fun I worked a lot and also was able to finish the Berserker Cycle Design logo. still not sure about the snot green Adam, haha. anyways it's been a good week check back for pictures.

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