Friday, January 25, 2008

my first and only teeny bopper moment in my life.

just as a follow up on my perez-ness. yes he came to cal poly. it was fabulous and so much fun. he talked about himself and what he has done in life and how he got to where he is now. don't worry he still talked gossip. got my picture w/ the man of the hour, although sadly it wasn't that great, because my camera sucks and its time to get a new one after tonight's performance. my fun moments.

1. Perez signed my poster.
2. He loved the buttons and said so in front of the whole crowd of like 800+ people, before he knew who made them.
3. The best moment though.... Seeing the 500 buttons I designed being worn by almost everybody. First time I have seen so many people with something I designed. so, so, sooo cool to me. now if only some how, he gave props on his blog. how cool would that be especially since he gets 7-8 Million hits a day!?!

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